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Your TRU iQ awaits!

Welcome to Imagiread, where we 🎮 level learners 🆙 with their 💡TRU iQ and 🎒 X-S.T.R.E.A.M. Literacy Development📚 preparing them for #thefutureofeducation and #thefutureofwork. 🚀
We take pride in being awarded by The Department of Education for our culturally responsive methodology that centers the Whole Child because we know that learning happens on purpose and is most successful when children are actively engaged.
It's our goal to ensure that every Imagireader, despite their competency and/or ability, is armed with the confidence and competence to LEVEL UP their reading game, so we're offering exclusive opportunities to have them evaluated for their TRU iQ.

What is a TRU iQ?

💡The TRU iQ is a one-on-one TRU assessment that evaluates the 7 critical learning focus areas that an Imagireader must be adept in to be a proficient reader. The results are aligned to the Imagireader's state standards with strengthening recommendations. That means no more guessing what kind of engagement and support your child needs, and no more piecing together programming with hopes that it will "click". Here's how you can get your child's TRU iQ and accompanying custom learning path:

Here’s how it works:
  1. Complete the form below so that we can set up your Imagireader’s TRU iQ assessment (virtually)
  2. Pay the assessment fee
  3. Get an email with details on how to schedule your child's TRU iQ
  4. Once the TRU iQ is complete, get a comprehensive summary of their results, complete with recommendations to build critical skills and coordinate engagement
  5. Confidently support your child's growth and development needs!
👍🏽Easy peasy. Secure your Imagireader’s spot today.
***The following form asks for information to help Imagiread prepare a TRU iQ evaluation for your child. By completing the form, you agree to our safety and privacy policy, values, and commitment to care. Please take the time to complete this form carefully and contact us at with questions or concerns.



Imagireader's Name

Type learner's name here

Imagireader's Date of Birth

Type learner's date or birth or age here

Imagireader's Rising Grade

Type learner's current grade here

What is the Imagireaders's adaptation style?

Choose all applicable

What kind of "smart" is your Imagireader drawn to?

Choose all applicable

What is your Imagireader's preferred genre?

Choose all applicable

What types of stories (including movies and games) does your Imagireader prefer?

Choose all applicable

Which quote would appeal to your Imagireader?


Does your Imagireader require assistance?

Describe support needs here



Responsible Parent/Caregiver's Name


Responsible Parent/Caregiver's Email Address

Type responsible party's email address here

Responsible Parent/Caregiver's Phone Number

Type responsible party's phone number here

Imagireading Community Agreement

The responsible party, referred to herein as a “Party” and, collectively, as the “Parties,” listed above, and Imagiread Educational Consulting Services LLC, referred to herein as the "Provider" and, collectively as "Providers", with an email address of and a physical address of 11000 W. McNichols Road #323-1173 Detroit, Michigan 48221 are entering into an agreement whereas, the responsible Party and Provider agree to the facilitation of an iAssessment that evaluates the party's literacy development strengths and skills. The iAssessment results will inform a customized learning plan designed especially to support the learner's long-term literacy development needs.


The TRU iQ assessments will take place remotely. The Provider will arrange for a video conference at the scheduled time and will provide the Party with a join link to the session no later than 12 hours before the session is to take place.
Sessions are conveniently scheduled at the parent/caregiver's request and are approved on a first come first serve basis. In exchange for facilitation, the Party will pay the Provider a rate of $39.

This agreement will commence on:

Type today's date here


If the Party is late to a scheduled session by more than 10 minutes, the session will be considered forfeited, and the Provider is under no obligation to remain online for the duration of the session. If the Provider is late to a session, the Party may choose to add the missed time to a future session at no additional cost, receive a partial refund, or receive a partial credit toward a future session.
If the Party wishes to cancel a scheduled programming/care session, the Party must provide the Provider with at least 5 hours prior notice. If the Party does not provide the required notice, the Party will be charged for the session whether or not the Learner is present.
The Provider shall structure programming/care in such a way as to optimize sessions to engage and benefit and support the Learner. The Provider shall keep all information about the Learner confidential and will only release information if sent with written permission by the Party. The Provider makes no guarantees that programming/care services will result in any improvement in the Learner's grades or exam scores, however, the Provider will make a concerted, good-faith effort per the TRU iQ recommendations and industry standards.
The Learner agrees to show up, ready to engage with mindfulness and academic integrity. That means:
The Learner agrees to be respectful.
The Learner agrees to try to solve challenges alone first, then asking for support.
The Learner agrees to be honest about the methods and practices used when "doing and showing work".

This agreement constitutes an understanding between the Party, Learner, and Provider, where all accept and agree to the terms and conditions outlined above. Any alteration to this agreement must be in writing and signed by all parties.


Signature of Parent/Guardian



Your child's TRU iQ
