Copy, Print, or Download the QR Code
You can now copy, print, or download high-resolution (SVG format) QR codes for all your pages.

Copy QR Code
Using the copy feature, it literally takes a click to share your page’s QR code with anyone instantly over private messages, WhatsApp, Twitter, or a Facebook status update.
Just click on the ‘Copy’ option and you can paste the code anywhere on the internet where you can paste an image.

Print QR Code
Use this option to print the QR code and paste it anywhere you’d like to collect information or payment from - storefront, brochures, in-person events, etc.
Digital QR Code
This one is for the pros who want to do more with their Omella page’s QR code. When you download the ‘Digital’ version of your QR code, you get the .svg format file that can be used to scale the QR code to any size without compromising on the picture quality. Let’s say you want to use your QR code on a large outdoor advertisement - this is the format you can go for.