How to manage event check-ins
In this Article
This guide helps explain how to enable and use Check-ins for a dance or other large events. If you are in a rush, this article explains how to enable the checkin button when your event goes live and how to actually check them in at the event.

🎫 Use check-ins for large events like a dance, sporting event tickets or even concessions!
✅ Check-ins makes it easy to ‘check’ people in and out of events
🧾 All digital receipts include a QR code for ticket scanning
💡You can read more about the feature here if you’d like

✅ Here’s how to enable the check-in button once your event goes live
Step 1:  🎟️ After your first ticket is sold, go to the Reporting tab of your event page.
Step 2: ➕ Click any submission record and add an Action button. You can add one or more (Check-ins, Check-outs, Claimed) actions and decide how to label them.
Step 3 : 👀 Choose to make the button public or not. Public visibility lets your attendees self-check-in. This is useful if you have a limited number of staff or scanning devices.
Step 4: 📧 Invite staff members to the account to allow them to check-in attendees.
Step 5: Done! You’re all set to check-in your attendees.

✅ Here’s how to check-in attendees to your event

🎗️ Important Reminders. Staff members checking attendees in will need:

👍🏻 Access to the Omella account
📱 A device with scanning capabilities (all modern Iphones/Androids have this built it)
💻 To be logged into the Omella account before scanning

🧾 Check-ins with digital receipt

Step 1: 🧾  Scan QR code on attendee’s digital receipt
Step 2: ✅ Click the check-in button
Step 4: 🗓️ Date and ⏰ time stamp is recorded
Step 5: 👍🏻 Check-in is complete!

📵 Check-ins without digital receipt

Step 1: 👩💻 Go to the Reporting tab on the event page
Step 2: 🔎 Search on attendee name and click the submission record
Step 3: ✅ Click the check-in button
Step 4: 🗓️ Date and ⏰ time stamp is recorded
Step 5: 👍🏻 Check-in is complete!

🔁 Refunded or Failed Payments

⚠️ A warning message will display for refunded tickets and failed or pending payments

🖨️ To print a back-up report

⬇️ Go to the Reporting tab to download ticket sale data into a csv file


Up next
How to run a school wide event
This guide helps explain how to sell tickets and collect information for large school wide events like Prom or Homecoming.
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