Choosing the Best Check-In Method for Your Event
In this Article
This article guides you through three different types of check-ins, highlighting their key differences and the best use cases for each.

When organizing events or managing attendance with Omella, it’s important to understand the check-in options available. Now that you’ve learned How to manage event check-ins, it’s time to explore the specific check-in methods Omella offers and choose the one that best suits your needs. 

Our platform provides three check-in options: Standard Check-In, Auto Check-In, and Self Check-In. Each one has its own unique benefits, and in this article, we’ll guide you through their differences and best use cases so you can select the most suitable option for your event.

1. Standard Check-In

How does it work?

In a Standard Check-In, an authorized member must manually press the “check-in” button to register attendees. This method offers greater control and oversight, and is particularly useful for formal or closed events where monitoring attendance closely is crucial.

Who can access it?

In the Standard Check-In, only authorized users with an Omella account can view the “check-in” button. This ensures that check-ins are handled exclusively by designated personnel.

Best suited for:  

  • Controlled environments
  • Small, private events
  • Events that required staff supervision

Extra tip:
While this two-step process is slightly slower, it’s helpful if you need to verify submission details before completing the check-in. For example: schools often use this method to ensure that the name and student ID in the system match the physical ID before confirming check-in. 

How to setup the Standard Check-In:

2. Auto Check-In

How does it work?  

Auto Check-In streamlines the process by automatically registering attendees when an authorized user scans a QR code, eliminating the need for a manual button press. This contactless method is fast, efficient, and reduces wait times, making it perfect for high-traffic events.

Who can access it?

Like the Standard Check-In, the Auto Check-In button is only visible to authorized users with an Omella account. 

Best suited for:

  • Fast-paced events
  • Large crowds where efficiency is critical
  • Situations that require minimizing wait times

How to setup the Auto Check-In:

3. Self Check-In

How does it work?
The “check-in” button is publicly visible, allowing anyone with the link to manually complete the check-in. This makes this option more accessible to a broader audience compared to other methods.

*To prevent early or incorrect check-ins, we recommend making the button visible only a few minutes before your event starts. Our team can assist in setting this up - just reach out at and we’ll help ensure the button is available only at the right time.

Who can access it?

The check-in button is public and visible to anyone with the link. Unlike the Staff and Auto Check-In, this method enables attendees and/or anyone with the link to check in without staff involvement.

Best suited for:

  • Free events
  • Open workshops or seminars
  • Events that require minimal attendance monitoring

How to setup the Self Check-In:

Important: When you change the check-in method, it automatically applies to all submissions on that page, so there's no need to adjust the settings individually :)

Need Help?

If you have any questions or need assistance setting up your event’s check-in, our team is always ready to help! Reach out to us at, and we’ll guide you through the process.


Up next
How to run a school wide event
This guide helps explain how to sell tickets and collect information for large school wide events like Prom or Homecoming.
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