How to use Omella for concessions
In this Article
⭕ Omella simplifies all types of in-person payments, from sports concessions and merchandise to bake sales! No need for a card reader — our one-click checkout makes transactions swift and seamless. Plus, you can easily fulfill and track orders.

Running an in-person concession is a breeze with just two simple steps—discover how in our video! David, the cofounder of Omella, walks you through the process from both the customer’s and the provider’s perspectives.

💳 See how easy it is for the payer to make a purchase:

📱 Simply scan the QR code with their smartphone
🛒 Select the desired items
💻 Quickly connect their bank account or pay with Google/Apple Pay to complete the purchase.

🛍️  Here’s how effortless it is to fulfill the completed order for pickup:

📲  Scan the QR code for the order

✅  Review the purchased items clearly

🛍️  Fulfill the order and arrange for pickup.

🚀 For a Concession Template or assistance with setup, please reach out to


Up next
How to manage event check-ins
This article shows the ticket purchase experience, how to check them in via QR scan or look them up (in case they forgot their ticket).
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